Version 1.3.2 (02/28/2016) ========================== Fix more than assigned % width in FF Version 1.3.1 (09/29/2015) ========================== Changes: Removal of jui classes when bootstrap.on = true. Version 1.3.0 (06/29/2015) ========================== New: option: bootstrap, closeOnWindowScroll, closeOnWindowResize Bootstrap support AMD support Fix: undefined indx in setText when init on empty select list. Version 1.2.0 (03/20/2015) ========================== New: swipe scrolling in touch devices. use of position option for collision detection button & popup box-sizing changed to border-box css layout of search box. Fix: incorrect namespacing of scroll and resize events on window leading to cease functioning of draggable on the page. removal of console.log statements in pqselect.min.js Version 1.1.0 (03/09/2015) ========================== New: Edge detection. option: edgeDetect Fix: strange blue box at bottom when search is false. Version 1.0.1 (02/22/2015) ========================== Fix: Radio button & Checkbox in popup menu not checked/unchecked when click directly.