Version 3.0.0 (05/27/2016) ============================ Bump in version without any changes. Additions/Changes made by Paramvir Dhindsa ( in version 0.2.3 Version (03/17/2016) ============================ Fix for stop working of touch punch ( keeps returning in _touchStart ) when more than 1 pointer used on the grid or any other mouse based jQueryUI control like draggable. Support for DnD and and other mouse events like (dblclick to edit) in virtual mode by removing _mouseCapture check for pqGrid. Distance between 2 taps increased for better double tap response. Version PQ_0.2.3 (02/04/2015) ============================= Support for double tap/click, multiple jQueryUI widgets on same element vis-a-vis touch-punch, namespacing of events while init and destroy. removal of selective preventDefault. Version 0.2.3.a (05/23/2014) ============================ Changes: prevent touch on jqueryui cancel & allow native click (to support focus on dynamic controls) by selective preventDefault.